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‘Save a Tooth’

Dentists should always be prepared to give appropriate advice to the public about first aid for avulsed teeth .  An avulsed permanent tooth is one of the few real  emergency situations in dentistry. In addition to  increasing the public awareness by, for example, mass  media campaigns, healthcare professionals  and teachers should receive information on how to  proceed following these severe unexpected injuries. should receive information on how to  proceed following these severe unexpected injuries. Also, instructions may be given by telephone to people  at the emergency site. Immediate replantation is the  best treatment at the place of accident.  How can a dental trauma be manifested? If for some  reasons this cannot be carried out, there are alternatives such as using various storage media .  If a tooth is avulsed, make sure it is a permanent tooth  (primary teeth should not be replanted)  First aid for avulsed teeth at the place of accident • Keep the patient calm. • Find the too